
Doraemon new episode in urdu on dailymotion 31 january
Doraemon new episode in urdu on dailymotion 31 january

doraemon new episode in urdu on dailymotion 31 january

The next day, a few of some assailants assault Shalamzar and catch Tekish. By listening the Hassan, he begins working with them.

doraemon new episode in urdu on dailymotion 31 january doraemon new episode in urdu on dailymotion 31 january

Turan blows up Tekish for teaming up with Hassan. Turan comes when Hassan says that they will do anything required to help Turan. Faysal thinks that the Sultan can neither go to Kuvel nor return to the castle. Tekish meets with Hassan in order to make plan to assault Sultan by seeking aid from Mitras. Sanjar welcomes whole heartedly both Tapar and Ali to the tribe. Tapar sees Sanjar there and expresses gratitude towards him. Tapar cannot stand anymore and goes to the garden. Gevher attempts to incite Tapar indeed that evening. The Sultan at that moment calls Sanjar his child and embraces him. Sanjar defeats the fighters and tells about the situation to Sultan. Hassan’s adherents assault Sanjar and his fighters convey the Greek fire. Hassan calms him by saying that Sanjar will die on his way to palace. Tekish secretly meets Hassan and discloses to him that he needed to give the Greek fire supplies. After Turan leaves the palace, he tells that he will assault the castle and take the seat. Melik Shah decides to give some of the land to Sanjar, and the present circumstance upsets Turan. Melik Shah gives Tekish a paper saying that he is Shalamzar’s official and orders that he will bring the Greek fire supplies. Sultan replies that he settles on the most fitting choice as is indicated by custom and tradition that they submit to his orders. After the function, Turan goes to the Sultan’s room and asks him for what valid reason he settled on such a choice. Sanjar begins organizing the arrangement of the function. Melik Shah tells how he has been feeling for quite a long time and discloses to Basulu that she is allowed to go to the palace wherever she wants. The Sultan at that moment orders to leave the room because he wants to conservate with Basulu. Sanjar says that Turan will irate with these choices, however Melik Shah says that he will utilize his outrage to obliterate him. Sultan says that Basulu will get the respect which she diserves as the mother of Meliks. Sultan says that Sanjar will be called Melik in light of the fact that he is his own child. While doing preparation with soldiers, Turan discovers that the Sultan has called him to the castle and sets off right away. Nessac tells him that all his issues will resolve as the time passes. Sultan goes to visit Nessac and informs him regarding his issues. Gevher discusses the decisions made by the Sultan and incites Tapar. Sanjar at that moment goes to the palace with his Mother and Nizam. As per the choice made by Sultan, Sanjar says that Turan can do anything. Tapar does not understand the wisdom of his father behind this matter. Tapar continues to make problems with Shalamzar. The Sultan sends his soldiers back to the palace. Zubeyda does not allow Terken from entering the Sultan’s room due to the disrespectful behavior on the plain and does not allow Gevher’s family to enter. Tapar was not in the favor of this order but he was forced to obey that order. As Melik Shah sees the dead Batinis, he orders that Tekish will rule the city. In Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 31, Zubeyda orders to return to the palace after the discussions on the plain.

Doraemon new episode in urdu on dailymotion 31 january